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A laravel 5 package for play Cards Against Humanity in your Slack channel

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Slack Against Humanity (A Laravel Package) v0.5

Slack Against Humanity is a Slack/Hubot implementation of the popular card game, Cards Against Humanity. Commands are issued in your slack channel via Custom Slash Commands, Github's Hubot, or a combination of both and then passed to this package. Cards will be dealt, Judges are picked at random, and who plays what card is kept secret until the end (if they win!).

Anybody that wants to play needs to be dealt in. A check happens on every deal, and every new round that 3 people are playing. CAH with 2 people is kinda boring. Don't like your cards? Too bad, no cheating here.

Once there have been dealt in, a Judge is chosen at random, and a Black card is chosen at random. Everybody except the Judge needs to play a white card from their hand.

After each player plays a card a check happens to see if everybody who can play, did play. If they did, it's time to pick a winner! Only the Judge is allowed to choose the winner.

Everybody who played a card is then dealt a new card. And it starts all over again.


In it's current state, this package expects that you have set up Maknz/Slack on your own. This includes setting up the facade Slack:: as well as set up a #cards channel in Slack.

Require this package in your composer.json and update composer.

"hopkins/slack-against-humanity": "~0.5"

After updating composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in app/config/app.php


In doing this, the following routes are added to your project

    Route::group(['prefix' => 'cards'], function () {
        Route::get('deal', function () {Queue::push('\Hopkins\SlackAgainstHumanity\Game\Handler@deal', Input::all());});
        Route::get('start', function () {Queue::push('\Hopkins\SlackAgainstHumanity\Game\Handler@start', Input::all());});
        Route::get('show', function () {Queue::push('\Hopkins\SlackAgainstHumanity\Game\Handler@show', Input::all());});
        Route::post('play', function () {Queue::push('\Hopkins\SlackAgainstHumanity\Game\Handler@play', Input::all());});
        Route::post('choose', function () {Queue::push('\Hopkins\SlackAgainstHumanity\Game\Handler@choose', Input::all());});
        Route::get('quit', function () {Queue::push('\Hopkins\SlackAgainstHumanity\Game\Handler@quit', Input::all());});

Until I figure out how to correctly copy the migration/seeds into your project via (presumably) a php artisan command, you will want to make sure you copy the below files into your main project structure.

Players can use public messages to trigger all of these endpoints except for Route::post('play',...). This needs to played in secret. A Custom Slash Command is perfect for this.

We use our hubot, Sterling, to play the other commands. The coffee script is a fairly simple one to make it work.

    # Description:
    #   Cards Against Humanity!
    # Dependencies:
    #   None
    # Commands:
    #   hubot cards deal - adds you to the current cards game
    #   hubot cards quit - removes you from the current cards game
    #   hubot cards show - messages you your cards again incase you forgot
    #   /cards {id} - plays the id of your chosen card for the current round (a slack slash command is taking care of it though)
    #   hubot cards choose {id} - The current round's judge chooses the best card against the pre determined black card
    # Author:
    #   michael-hopkins
    deal = ""
    quit = ""
    choose = ""
    show = ""

    module.exports = (hubot) ->
        hubot.respond /cards deal/i, (msg) ->
            user =
            message = msg.message.text
            room =
            data = {'user_name': user,'message': message,'room': room,'directive': 1}
            hubot.http(deal).query(data).get() (err, res, body) ->

        hubot.respond /cards quit/i, (msg) ->
            user =
            message = msg.message.text
            room =
            data = {'user_name': user,'message': message,'room': room,'directive': 1}
            hubot.http(quit).query(data).get() (err, res, body) ->

        hubot.respond /cards show/i, (msg) ->
            user =
            message = msg.message.text
            room =
            data = {'user_name': user,'message': message,'room': room,'directive': 1}
            hubot.http(show).query(data).get() (err, res, body) ->

        hubot.respond /cards choose (.*)/i, (msg) ->
            user =
            message = msg.message.text
            room =
            cardId = msg.match[1]
            data = {'user_name': user,'message': message,'room': room,'directive': 1,'cardId': cardId}
            hubot.http(choose).query(data).get() (err, res, body) ->



This project islicensed using DBAD. Go have a blast.